12. - 14. Mai 2025
13:00 - 21:00
Ottawa Conference and Event Centre, Ottawa, Canada
The AECOOM industry has an ideal opportunity to improve its fragmented workflows, poor data interoperability, and slow adoption of digital technologies and standardized practices. This summit will focus on how to improve productivity. Improving productivity requires embracing digital transformation through openBIM, standardized processes like ISO 19650, and integrating collaborative technologies to streamline workflows, enhance data interoperability, and by equipping the workforce with cutting-edge skills and tools. This event’s theme emphasizes the alignment of BIM and GIS and use of advanced technologies with standardized practices to foster efficiency, collaboration, and resilience in the AECOOM industry. The progr ... weiterlesen The AECOOM industry has an ideal opportunity to improve its fragmented workflows, poor data interoperability, and slow adoption of digital technologies and standardized practices. This summit will focus on how to improve productivity. Improving productivity requires embracing digital transformation through openBIM, standardized processes like ISO 19650, and integrating collaborative technologies to streamline workflows, enhance data interoperability, and by equipping the workforce with cutting-edge skills and tools. This event’s theme emphasizes the alignment of BIM and GIS and use of advanced technologies with standardized practices to foster efficiency, collaboration, and resilience in the AECOOM industry. The program is designed to inspire discussions, share practical insights, and drive innovation in Canada’s geospatial and built environment sectors. Event location: Ottawa, Canada Location URL: https://ottawaconferenceandeventcentre.com/ Register here: https://buildingsmartcanada.ca/2025-national-summit/ |